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Days of the week

The meanings behind the names of the seven days of the week. The days of the week are named after ancient gods. Each is explained in detail below

Monday: The name Monday comes from the Old English Monandæg, meaning "day of the Moon

Tuesday: Tuesday comes from the Old English Tiwesdæg, meaning "Tyr's day." Tyr was the Norse god of combat. In countries that didn't have a norse influence it is the "Day of Mars" (the Roman war god); In French this translates as mardi and in Spanish martes

Wednesday: This name comes from the Old English Wodnesdæg meaning the day of the Woden or Odin, the father of the Gods. It is based on Latin dies Mercurii, "Day of Mercury";in French mercredi and Spanish miércoles. The germans have renamed this day as Mittwoch, which simply means middle of the week

Thursday: comes from the Old English Þunresdæg, or Thor's day. Thor was the Germanic and Norse god of thunder. In Germany the same route leads to Donnerstag. Donner can be directly translated as thunder

In latin countries Thursday was the "Day of Jupiter"; which becomes the French jeudi and Spanish jueves